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Mountain climbing and sport climbing in Iran have a long and proud history, holding a special place among the country’s sports. The Iran Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation (IMSCF) plays a key role in developing, educating, and supporting athletes in this field. This article explores the history, structure, and activities of this federation.

Iran Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation

History of the Iran Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation

Mountain climbing in Iran, with a history dating back to 1947, has always been interesting. In 1948, the mountaineering and skiing federations merged, beginning formal activities in this field. This union helped both sports grow and, by 1974, due to expansion and the need for more specialized activities, the federations split to operate independently. Another significant change occurred in 2007 when, with the global independence of the Sport Climbing Federation (IFSC), the Iranian federation changed its name to the Iran Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation.

Structure and Activities of IMSCF 

The Iran Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation aims to cover various aspects of these sports, including traditional and indoor rock climbing, mountain skiing, ice climbing, and more. The federation supports indoor disciplines (lead climbing, speed climbing, and bouldering) and natural climbs (rock climbing, ice climbing, and caving).

Education and Development in IMSCF 

The federation’s crucial role is to organize professional training courses and send coaches to advanced classes in Alpine countries to improve the tactical and technical quality of mountaineering. Additionally, in indoor rock climbing, noteworthy activities include sending national teams to Asian rock climbing championships and hosting international tournaments, reflecting the youthfulness of this sport in Asia and Iran.





Specialized Committees and Activities 


The federation comprises various committees working in areas like hiking, natural and indoor rock climbing, ice climbing, mountain skiing, and related activities. Other committees, such as veterans, shelters, mountain medicine, search and rescue, public relations, provincial affairs, education, international relations, and culture, help expand these sports’ scientific and cultural aspects.


With a rich history and extensive activities, the Iran Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Federation plays a significant role in developing these sports in Iran. Its active participation in international forums and achievement of Asian and global titles predict a bright future for these sports in Iran. With detailed planning and support for athletes, the federation aims to enhance the technical level of mountaineering and sport climbing and achieve more honors for the country.

For more Iran adventure Tour visit list of climbing & ski tours in Iran.